"The company VIACAR S.A. loyal to its permanent commercial policy, it undertakes to make every possible effort, so that the information it lists on this website is accurate and up-to-date. In any case, however, you should be aware of the fact that due to the nature of the products and the constant renewal of their specifications, the company reserves the right to proceed at any time without notice or announcement.

It is therefore possible that the models shown on the website differ from the latest developments. Therefore, those interested should contact the local points of sale in order to be informed about the latest developments, specifications, technical characteristics, availability and cost of products and services they desire.

VIACAR provides the content of this website for information, without conditions and guarantees, express or implied. Any price that may be mentioned on this website is not an offer, but as an indication, the exact cost of each of your choices can only be disclosed by the sales and distribution points of VIACAR.



The entire content of this website, including texts, features, graphics and photographs, is the subject of intellectual property of www.viacar.gr and is governed by national and international provisions on Intellectual Property.

The VIACAR logo is a registered trademark with a court decision from the Athens courts. Therefore, any violation or use of it without the permission of the person who owns the rights of the website is considered illegal and the courts of Athens are responsible.

License to Use

It is expressly prohibited to use, reproduce, republish, copy, store, sell, transmit, distribute, issue, execute, download, translate, modify in any way, partially or in summary, the content of the website and the services offered to this, without the prior permission of the VIACAR company.
It is therefore prohibited to sell, copy, modify, reproduce, republish or "upload", transmit or distribute in any way, in whole or in part.

The other products or services mentioned on the online pages of the hub and bearing the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies, are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility.


Internet Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability


The VIACAR company makes every effort to ensure that all the content and information displayed on the website are characterized by scientific accuracy, clarity and correctness.

Transitional provisions


We reserve the right to modify the content or services of the website, as well as the terms of use, whenever deemed necessary and without prior warning, by simply announcing them through the website. These terms are governed and interpreted by Greek law, and the courts of Athens are responsible for resolving any dispute.

Official posting date 6/26/2013